
This tick shows we are a registered charity with ACNC the governing body for all charities in Australia, and report to them annually.
Acknowledging financial support from the Federal Government through the Commonwealth Home Support Program
for both COA's Kosher Meals service and the COA Centre program of activities for social connection.

COA has been a member of JCA for over 10 years, and in 2019 COA requested its first allocation of funds to support Sydney's only Kosher meals on wheels.

We acknowledge the help of the Waverley Council though their small grants program providing financial support for major events and Centre based activities.

COA is a member of the NSW Meals on Wheels Association and acknowledges their help and support in running our Kosher Meals on Wheels program for the last 40 years.

COA is the recipient of weekly donations of bread and bagels, which are delivered to kosher meal recipients and used for lunches in the COA Centre.

COA is the recipient of annual donations of festival specific foods such as hamantaschen at Purim, which are given to kosher meal recipients and members attending the COA.

Every year we partner to provide festival parcels, and shofar blowing at high holidays for the Hannah Meyer Project, connecting with Jewish residents in non-denominational aged care facilities.

We have many members in common, and hold special events such as an annual community art show together. We have also been the grateful recipient of funds from the B'nai B'rith Bargain Bazaar.

We thank the Jewish Board of Deputies for their support in promoting our services and special events to the wider Jewish audience in NSW and for helping with procedural matters.