COA Services
COA Services

COA Fresh
COA Fresh is a weekly delivery of fresh produce and other items going to over 200 homes in our community. The program helps to provide food security to those who are unable to attend the shops and may not have the finances to afford fresh fruit and vegetables each week.

Community Outreach
Our outreach services are manned by dedicated volunteers and include visits at home to deliver meals on wheels and COA Fresh, and the Hannah Meyer Project providing cultural connection to Jewish residents in non-denominational aged care facilities.

COA Centre Activities
As COA undergoes a transformation some of our usual activities offered at the COA Krygier Centre have moved offsite, whilst others remain at the Centre, and new activities will be added as they become available.

Kosher meals on wheels
COA’s Kosher Meals are made by professional Kosher caterers and delivered to recipients homes by our friendly and dedicated volunteers. There is a large menu to choose from and every meal delivered is subsidised by COA, so why not check the menu and see if this service may be right for you.