Community Outreach
Community Outreach
Creating Connections in the Community for Volunteers and Service Recipients
Volunteers are an integral part of COA. They can be of any age, any skill set or educational background, from the Jewish and the wider community. All help is appreciated.
Volunteers are involved at the COA Centre with delivering of meals and food parcels and other activities as required.
We have the following outreach programs which volunteers and members can become part of:

Kosher Meals-on-Wheels
Delivering kosher meals to seniors at home, with deliverers visiting the same recipients each time; providing social connection and company for some seniors who have no other person come to their door in a week. This service has been in operation for over 40 years, and was the first service ever provided by COA.

COA Fresh
Packing and delivering a selection of fresh vegetables, fruit, bread products, and other household items each week as a free services to those most in need. Generously and sponsored by Peter & Jenny Wohl and Family.

The Hannah Meyer Project
Regular visits to Jewish residents in Non-Jewish Aged Care Facilities, to provide kiddush and candle lighting for Shabbat. Jewish Festivals are also celebrated, including blowing the Shofar on Rosh Hashana.

The Minyan Men
A group of male volunteers who help to ensure that no funeral, burial, or shiva house in the Sydney community goes without a minyan for Kaddish, the traditional prayer of mourning.
To find out more about these programs, please call us on: 9389 0035.